Necessary Vocabulary B




   Past     Participle










Balance / ˈbæləns / (ব্যালনছ্‌) v {(কোন কিছু)ভারসাম্য আবস্থায় রাখা} [to put the body or something else into a position where it is equal weight and does not fall]



Balanced / ˈbælənst / (ব্যালনছ্‌ঠ্‌): She balanced a football on her index finger.


Balanced / ˈbælənst / (ব্যালনছ্‌ঠ্‌)


Balances / ˈbælənsɪz / (ব্যালনছিজ্‌)


Balancing / ˈbælənsɪŋ / (ব্যালনছিং)

Bargain / ˈbɑːrɡən / (বার্গন্‌) v {দর কষাকষি করা} [to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with somebody in order to reach an agreement that is suitable]: The motorbus was a bargain at that price.


Bargained / ˈbɑːrɡənd / (বার্গন্‌ড্‌)

Bargained / ˈbɑːrɡənd / (বার্গন্‌ড্‌)

Bargains / ˈbɑːrɡənz / (বার্গন্‌জ্‌)

Bargaining / ˈbɑːrɡənɪŋ / (বার্গনিং)

Bathe / beɪð / (বেইদ্‌) v {গোসল করা বা করানো} [to wash something with water, mainly a part of your body]: I bathe every day.


Bathed / beɪðd / (বেইদ্‌ড্‌): Have you bathed the child yet?

Bathed / beɪðd / (বেইদ্‌ড্‌)

Bathes / beɪðz / (বেইদ্‌জ্‌)

Bathing / beɪðɪŋ / (বেইদিং)

1. Bear / ber / (বের্‌) v {সহ্য করা; বহন করা} [to accept, tolerate, or endure something, mainly something unpleasant]: How can you bear this awful noise? His two sons helped bear the coffin.


Bore / bɔːr / (বোঃর্‌)

Born / bɔːrn / (বোঃর্‌)

Bears / berz / (বের্‌জ্‌)

Bearing / berɪŋ / (বেরিং)

2. Bear / ber / (বের্‌) v {জন্ম দেওয়া} [to give birth to a child, or (of a tree or plant) to produce flowers or fruit]: These trees take a long time to bear fruit.


Bore / bɔːr / (বোঃর্‌)

Born / bɔːrn / (বোঃর্‌)

Bears / berz / (বের্‌জ্‌)

Bearing / berɪŋ / (বেরিং)

Beat / biːt / (বীঠ্‌) v {পরাজিত করা বা হওয়া; বারবার আঘাত করা} [to defeat somebody in a game or do better than]: I beat him by just two points.


Beat / biːt / (বীঠ্): Holland beat Brazil (by) 2–1.

Beaten / biːtn / (বীঠ্‌ন্‌)

Beats / biːts / (বীঠ্‌ছ)

Beating / biːtɪŋ / (বী্ঠিং)

Bite / baɪt / (বাইঠ) v {দাঁত দিয়ে কামড়ে নেওয়া} [to use your teeth to cut into something]: Does the dog bite?


 Bit / bɪt / (বিঠ্‌): An insect bit me on my hand.

 Bit / bɪt / (বিঠ্‌)

 Bites / baɪts / (বাইঠছ্‌)

 Biting / baɪtɪŋ / (বাইঠিং): Stop biting your fingernail.

Begin / bɪˈɡɪn / (বিগিন্‌) v {শুরু বা আরম্ভ করা} [to start doing something]: Let's begin at page 7.


Began / bɪˈɡæn / (বিগ্যান্‌)

Begun / bɪˈɡʌn / (বিগান্‌)

Begins / bɪˈɡɪnz / (বিগিনজ্‌)

Beginning / bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ / (বিগিনিং)

Believe / bɪˈliːv / (বিলীভ্‌) v {বিশ্ব্বাস করা} [to think that something is true, correct, or real]: I do not believe you!


Believed / bɪˈliːvd / (বিলীভড্‌)

Believed / bɪˈliːvd / (বিলীভড্‌)

Believes / bɪˈliːvz / (বিলীভজ্‌)

Believing / bɪˈliːvɪŋ / (বিলীভিং)

Boil / bɔɪl / (বয়ল্‌) v {সিদ্ধ করা বা ফুটানো} [to reach, or cause something to reach, the temperature at which

a liquid starts to turn into a vapor]: Please boil the water for five minutes to sterilize it.


Boiled / bɔɪld / (বয়ল্‌ড্‌)

Boiled / bɔɪld / (বয়ল্‌ড্‌)

Boils / bɔɪlz / (বয়ল্‌জ্‌): Water boils at 100⁰C

Boiling / bɔɪlɪŋ / (বয়লিং): He scalded himself on some boiling water.


Burn / bɜːrn / (বাঃর্ন্‌) v {জ্বালানো বা পোড়ানো} [to produce flames and heat or to be on fire]: The wood was wet and would not burn.


Burnt / bɜːrnt / (বাঃর্ন্‌ঠ্‌): The house burned down in 2000.

Burnt / bɜːrnt / (বাঃর্ন্‌ঠ্‌)

Burns / bɜːrnz / (বাঃর্ন্‌জ্‌)

Burning / bɜːrnɪŋ / (বাঃর্নিং): There was a fire burning in the large fireplace.


Babble / ˈbæbəl / (ব্যাবল্‌) v {হড়বড় করে কথা বলা} [to talk something in a quick, confused, excited, or silly way that is difficult to understand]:


Babbled / ˈbæbəld / (ব্যাবল্ড্‌)

Babbled / ˈbæbəld / ()

Babbles / ˈbæbəlz / (ব্যাবল্‌জ্‌)

Babbling / ˈbæbəlɪŋ / (ব্যাবলিং): I realized I was babbling like an idiot.

Baffle / ˈbæfl / (ব্যাফল্‌) v {বিপাকে ফেলা বা হতবুদ্ধি করা} [to confuse somebody completely]:

Baffled / ˈbæfld / (ব্যাফল্ড্‌)

Baffled / ˈbæfld / (ব্যাফল্ড্‌)

Baffles / ˈbæflz / (ব্যাফল্‌জ্‌): Her behavior baffles me.


Baffling / ˈbæflɪŋ / (ব্যাফলিং)

Banish / ˈbænɪʃ / (ব্যানিশ্‌) v {নির্বাসিত করা} [to order someone to leave a place, mainly from their country, as a punishment]:


Banished / ˈbænɪʃt / (ব্যানিশ্‌ঠ্‌)

Banished / ˈbænɪʃt / (ব্যানিশ্‌ঠ্‌): Raju was banished from Australia.

Banishes / ˈbænɪʃɪz / (ব্যানিশিজ্‌)

Banishing / ˈbænɪʃɪŋ / (ব্যানিশিং)

Bark / bɑːrk / (বআঃর্ক্‌) v {শিয়াল-কুকুরের ডাক; ঘেউঘেউ/ হুক্কাহুয়া করা} [(of a dog or fox) to make a short loud sound, rough noise]:

Barked / bɑːrkt / (বআঃর্কঠ্‌)

Barked / bɑːrkt / (বআঃর্কঠ্‌)

Barkes / bɑːrks / (বআঃর্ক্‌ছ্‌)

Barking / bɑːrkɪŋ / (বআঃর্কিং): The dog was barking furiously at a cat.


Bask / bæsk / (ব্যাছক্‌) v {রোদ/ আগুন পোহানো} [to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat, especially of the sun]:

Basked / bæskt / (ব্যাছক্‌ঠ্‌)

Basked / bæskt / (ব্যাছক্‌ঠ্‌)

Baskes / bæsks / (ব্যাছক্‌ছ্‌)

Basking / bæskɪŋ / (ব্যাছকিং): Crocodiles was basking on the small sandy beaches.


Bet / bet / (বেঠ্‌) v {বাজি বা পণ রাখা বা ধরা} [to risk money on the result of an event, such as a horse race by trying to predict the result]


Bet / bet / (বেঠ্‌): He bet me $2000 that I would not do it.


Bet / bet / (বেঠ্‌)

Bets / bets / (বেঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Beting / betɪŋ / (বেঠিং)

Bid / bɪd / (বিড্) v {নিলাম ডাকা} [to offer to pay a particular amount of money for something, mainly at an auction]:


Bid / bɪd / (বিড্‌): We have successfully bid for the contract.


Bid / bɪd / (বিড্‌)

Bids / bɪdz / (বিড্‌জ)

Bidding / bɪdɪŋ / (বিডিং)

Block / blɑːk / (ব্লআঃক্‌) v {বাধা দেওয়া; প্রতিরোধ করা} [to stop something from moving or flowing through a pipe, a passage, a road, etc. by putting something in it or across it]:

Blocked / blɑːkt / (ব্লআঃক্‌ঠ্‌): Some students today blocked a highway that cuts through the center of the city.


Blocked / blɑːkt / (ব্লআঃক্‌ঠ্‌)

Blocks / blɑːks / (ব্লআঃক্‌ছ্‌)

Blocking / blɑːkɪŋ / (ব্লআঃকিং)

Bury / ˈberi / (বেরি) v {কবর বা গোর দেওয়া} [to put a dead body in a grave and cover it]:

Buried / ˈberid / (বেরিড্‌)

Buried / ˈberid / (বেরিড্‌): He was buried in the cemetery on the hill.


Buries / ˈberiz / (বেরিজ)

Burying / ˈberiɪŋ / (বেরিইং)

Ban / bæn / (ব্যান্‌) v {নিষিদ্ধ ঘোষণা করা; নিষেধাজ্ঞা আরোপ করা} [to decide or say especially officially that something is not allowed]:

 <SYN> Prohibit


Banned / bænd / (ব্যান্ড্‌)

Banned / bænd / (ব্যান্ড্‌): She has been banned from driving for a year.


Bans / bænz / (ব্যান্‌জ্‌)

Banning / bænɪŋ / (ব্যানিং)

Become / bɪˈkʌm / (বিখাম্‌) v {হওয়া} [to start to be something]: She has become a famous lawyer.


Became / bɪˈkeɪm / (বিখেম্‌)

Become / bɪˈkʌm / (বিখাম্‌)

Becomes / bɪˈkʌmz / (বিখাম্‌জ্‌)

Becoming / bɪˈkʌmɪŋ / (বিখামিং)

Beg / beɡ / (বেগ্‌) v {ভিক্ষা করা বা কোনো কিছু চাওয়া} [to make a very strong and urgent request]

Begged / beɡd / (বেগ্‌ড্‌): "Please, please forgive me!" he begged.


Begged / beɡd / (বেগ্‌ড্‌)

Begs / beɡz / (বেগ্‌জ্‌)

Begging / beɡɪŋ / (বেগিং)

Behave / bɪˈheɪv / (বিহেভ্‌) v {আচরণ করা} [to act things in a particular way]:

 <SYN> Act


Behaved / bɪˈheɪvd / (বিহেভ্‌ড্‌): She behaved like a true gentlewoman.


Behaved / bɪˈheɪvd / (বিহেভ্‌ড্‌)

Behaves / bɪˈheɪvz / (বিহেভ্‌জ্‌)

Behaving / bɪˈheɪvɪŋ / (বিহেভিং)

Betray / bɪˈtreɪ / (বিঠ্রে) v {বিশ্বাস ভঙ্গ করা} [to give information about someone/ something to an anemy]:

Betrayed / bɪˈtreɪd / (বিঠ্রেড্‌)

Betrayed / bɪˈtreɪd / (বিঠ্রেড্‌)

Betrays / bɪˈtreɪz / (বিঠ্রে)

Betraying / bɪˈtreɪɪŋ / (বিঠ্রেইং)

: She was accused of betraying her country during the war.


Blame / bleɪm / (ব্লেম্‌) v {দোষ দেওয়া বা দোষারোপ করা} [to say or think that someone/ something is responsible for something bad happening]:

Blamed / bleɪmd / (ব্লেম্‌ড্‌)

Blamed / bleɪmd / (ব্লেম্‌ড): A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.


Blames / bleɪmz / (ব্লেম্‌জ্‌)

Blaming / bleɪmɪŋ / (ব্লেমিং)

Bless / bles / (ব্লেছ্‌) v {আশীর্বাদ করা} [to ask for God's help and protection for somebody/ something]:

Blessed / blest / (ব্লেছ্‌ঠ্‌): The priest blessed their marriage.


Blessed / blest / (ব্লেছ্‌ঠ্‌)

Blesses / blesɪz / (ব্লেছিজ্‌)

Blessing / blesɪŋ / (ব্লেছিং)

Blow / bloʊ / (ব্লৌ) v {প্রবাহিত হওয়া} [to be moved by the wind, somebody's breath, etc.]

Blew / bluː / (ব্লূ):

Blown / bloʊn / (ব্লৌন্‌):

Blows / bloʊz / (ব্লৌজ্‌)

Blowing / bloʊɪŋ / (ব্লৌইং): Tonight the wind is blowing hard.


Borrow / bɑːroʊ / (বআঃরৌ) v {ধার বা কর্জ করা} [to take and use something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a later time]:


Borrowed / bɑːroʊd / (বআঃরৌড্‌): I borrowed 100 dollars off my father.

Borrowed / bɑːroʊd / (বআঃরৌড্‌)

Borrows / bɑːroʊz / (বআঃরৌজ)

Borrowing / bɑːroʊɪŋ / (বআঃরৌইং)

Book / bʊk / (বুক্‌) v {আসন সংরক্ষণ করা} [to arrange to have or use a seat, room, etc. on a particular date in the future]:


Booked / bʊkt / (বুক্‌ঠ্‌): He has booked a flight to Chicago.

Booked / bʊkt / (বুক্‌ঠ্‌):

Books / bʊks / (বুক্‌ছ্‌):

Booking / bʊkɪŋ / (বুকিং):

Blend / blend / (ব্লেন্ড্‌) v {মিশানো; মিশ্রিত করা} [to mix two or more substances together]:


Blended / blendɪd / (ব্লেন্ডিড্‌)

Blended / blendɪd / (ব্লেন্ডিড্‌)

Blends / blendz / (ব্লেন্ড্‌জ্‌)

Blending / blendɪŋ / (ব্লেন্ডিং)

Boast / boʊst / (বৌস্ট্‌) v {দম্ভ করা বা অহংকার করা} [to speak or talk with too much pride about something that you have or can do]:

Boasted / boʊstɪd / (বৌস্টিড্‌): She openly boasted of her talents.


Boasted / boʊstɪd / (বৌস্টিড্‌)

Boasts / boʊsts / (বৌস্ট্‌ছ্‌)

Boasting / boʊstɪŋ / (বৌস্টিং)

Boom / buːm / (বূম্‌) v {হঠাৎ সমৃদ্ধ হওয়া} [to have a period of rapid growth]:

ANT Slump / slʌmp / (স্লাম্প্‌) v {আকস্মিকভাবে দাম ইত্যাদি কমে যাওয়া} [(of prices, values, sales, etc.) to fall suddenly and by a large amount]:

Boomed / buːmd / (বূম্‌ড্‌)

Slumped / slʌmpt / (স্লাম্পট্‌): Profits slumped by 50 per cent.

Boomed / buːmd / (বূম্‌ড্‌)

Slumped / slʌmpt / (স্লাম্পট্‌)

Booms / buːmz / (বূম্‌জ্‌)

Slumps / slʌmps / (স্লাম্পছ্‌)

Booming / buːmɪŋ / (বূমিং): Business is booming!


Slumping / slʌmpɪŋ / (স্লাম্পিং)

Boycott / ˈbɔɪkɑːt / (বয়কআঃঠ্‌) v {বর্জন করা} [to refuse to buy, use or take part in something as a way of protesting]:


Boycotted / ˈbɔɪkɑːtɪd / (বয়কআঃঠিড্‌)

Boycotted / ˈbɔɪkɑːtɪd / (বয়কআঃঠিড্‌)

Boycotts / ˈbɔɪkɑːts / (বয়কআঃঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Boycotting / ˈbɔɪkɑːtɪŋ / (বয়কআঃঠিং)

Breed / briːd / (ব্রীড্‌) v {উৎপাদন করা; প্রসব করা} [(of animals) to have sex and produce young]


Bred / bred / (ব্রেড্‌)

Bred / bred / (ব্রেড্‌)

Breeds / briːdz / (ব্রীড্‌জ্‌)

Breeding / briːdɪŋ / (ব্রীডিং)

Butt / bʌt / (বাঠ্‌) v {ঢুঁ মারা} [to hit or push something or somebody hard with the head]:


Butted / bʌtɪd / (বাঠিড্‌)

Butted / bʌtɪd / (বাঠিড্‌)

Butts / bʌts / (বাঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Butting / bʌtɪŋ / (বাঠিং)

Bother / ˈbɑːðər / (ˈবাঃদর্‌) v {বিরক্ত করা; জ্বালাতন করা} [to annoy, worry or cause problems for someone]: Do not bother your father.


Bothered / ˈbɑːðərd / (ˈবাঃদরড্‌)

Bothered / ˈbɑːðərd / (ˈবাঃদরড্‌)

Bothers / ˈbɑːðərz / (ˈবাঃদরজ্‌)

Bothering / ˈbɑːðərɪŋ / (ˈবাঃদরিং)

Bustle / ˈbʌsl / (ˈবাসল্‌) v {ব্যস্তসমস্ত ভাবে চলাফেরা করা; ছুটাছুটি করা} [to move around in a hurried or busy way]:


Bustled / ˈbʌsld / (ˈবাসলড্‌): She bustled around in the kitchen.


Bustled / ˈbʌsld / (ˈবাসলড্‌)

Bustles / ˈbʌslz / (ˈবাসলজ্‌)

Bustling / ˈbʌslɪŋ / (ˈবাসলিং)

Brag / bræɡ / (ব্র্যাগ্‌) v {চাপা বা গুল মারা} [to speak with pride, often with too much pride, about something you have done or something you possess]:


Bragged / bræɡd / (ব্র্যাগড্‌): He bragged about his golf game.

Bragged / bræɡd / (ব্র্যাগড্‌)

Brags / bræɡz / (ব্র্যাগজ্‌)

Bragging / bræɡɪŋ / (ব্র্যাগিং)

Bribe / braɪb / (ব্রাব্‌) v {ঘুষ দেওয়া} [to give someone money, presents, or something valuable in order to persuade them to help you, especially by doing something dishonest]:


Bribed / braɪbd / (ব্রাবড্‌): They bribed the guards with cigarettes.

Bribed / braɪbd / (ব্রাবড্‌)

Bribes / braɪbz / (ব্রাবজ্‌)

Bribing / braɪbɪŋ / (ব্রাবিং)

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