Door fittings Name with Meaning & Picture | Necessary Vocabulary
Door Fittings Name
Door fitting / dɔːr ˈfɪtɪŋ / (ডোর ˈফিটিঙ্) n [door furniture; door hardware or door fittings refers to any of the items that are attached to a door or a drawer to enhance its functionality or appearance] (দরজার সরঞ্জাম): light door fittings
Ø Hardware / ˈhɑːrdwer / (ˈহাঃর্ডওয়ার্) n [metal tools, materials, and equipment used in a house or a garden, such as nails, screws, etc.] (গৃহস্থালিতে ব্যবহৃত ধাতব সামগ্রী): a hardware store
Ø Fitting / ˈfɪtɪŋ / (ˈফিটিঙ্) n [a small part of a piece of equipment] (সাজসরঞ্জাম): a pine cupboard with brass fittings
Ø <PHR> Refer to Sb/Sth [to mention or speak about Sb/Sth] (উল্লেখ করা; নির্দেশ করা): He always refers to the house as his “refuge”.
Ø Enhance / ɪnˈhæns / (ইˈনহ্যান্স্) v {Pt. Pp. enhanced} [to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of Sb/Sth] (বাড়ানো; বৃদ্ধি করা): The images can be enhanced using digital technology.
Ø Functionality / ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti / (ˌফাঙ্ক্শএˈন্যালএটি) n [any or all of the operations performed by a piece of equipment or a software program] (কার্যকারিতা):
<SYN> Practicality
<SYN> Gate / geɪt / (গেইট্) n [a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door, usually made of metal or wooden strips] (সদর দরজা; ফটক; তোরণ):
Door / ɔːr / (ডোর্) n [a piece of wood, glass, etc. often fixed at one edge, that is opened and closed so that people can get in and out of a room, building, car, etc.; a similar thing in a cupboard/closet] (দরজা; দ্বার; দুয়ার; কপাট): to knock/open/shut/close/slam/lock/bolt/bar the door. Always put the door chain on. Go and answer the door. He had left the door ajar. He leaned against the door jamb. I was woken by a door banging in the wind. The door was jammed shut. This door leads to my bedroom. The door creaked on its hinges. ![]() |
Gate |
Ø Fix / fɪks / (ফিক্স্) v {Pt. Pp. fixed / fɪkst / (ফিক্স্ট্)} [to put Sth firmly in a place so that it will not move] (সাঁটা; আঁটকে দেওয়া): He fixes the bookcase to the wall.
Ø Knock / nɑːk / (নাঃক্) v {Pt. Pp. knocked / nɑːkt / (নাঃক্ট্)} [to repeatedly hit something, in order to attract attention] (দরজার কড়া নেড়ে শব্দ করা; টোকা দেওয়া):
<SYN> Rap
Ø Shut / ʃʌt / (শাট্) v {Pt. Pp. shut} [to make Sth close; to become closed] (বন্ধ/রুদ্ধ করা): Why did you shut the door against in his face.
<SYN> Close / kloʊz / (ক্লৌজ্) v {Pt. Pp. closed / kloʊzd / (ক্লৌজড্)} [to change from being open to not being open] (বন্ধ করা/হওয়া): Close your eyes – I have got a surprise for you.
Ø Slam / slæm / (স্ল্যাম্) v {Pt. Pp. slammed / slæmd / (স্ল্যাম্ড্)} [to move Sth against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise] (দড়াম করে বন্ধ করা): Shut the window carefully, do not slam it. The wind made the door slam.
<SYN> Bang / bæŋ / (ব্যাঙ্) v {Pt. Pp. banged / bæŋd / (ব্যাঙ্ড্)} [to close Sth or to be closed with a loud noise] (দড়াম/দুম/খটাশ করে বা উচ্চশব্দে বন্ধ করা): He banged her fist angrily on the table.
Ø Bar / bɑːr / (বাঃর্) v {Pt. Pp. barred / bɑːrd / (বাঃর্ড্)} [to put bars across Sth, especially to hold it shut] (<দ্বার, ফটক ইত্যাদি বড় লাঠি দ্বারা>আঁটকে দেওয়া বা খিল লাগানো): All the doors and windows were barred.
Ø Bolt / boʊlt / (বৌল্ট্) v {Pt. Pp. bolted / boʊltɪd / (বৌল্ডিড্)} [to fasten Sth such as a door or window by sliding a bolt across; to be able to be fastened in this way] (হুড়কা লাগানো): The door bolts on the inside.
Ø Chain / tʃeɪn / (চেইন্) v [to fasten someone or something using a chain] (<কোনোকিছু>ছিকল দিয়ে আটকে রাখা): The doors were always chained.
Ø Ajar / əˈdʒɑːr / (এˈজাঃর্) adj [describes a door that is slightly open] (<দরজা সম্বন্ধে> কিঞ্চিৎ খোলা): We left the door ajar so that we could see what they were doing.
Ø Lean / liːnt / (লীন্) v [to bend or move from a vertical position] (হেলা বা হেলে যাওয়া): Lean your head back a bit.
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Jamb |
Ø Jamb / dʒæm / (জ্যাম্) n [a vertical post at the side of a door or window] (<দরজা, জানালা ইত্যাদের>বাজু):
Ø Lintel / ˈlɪntl / (লিন্টল্) n [a long piece of stone or wood at the top of a door or window frame which supports the wall above] (দরজা বা জানালার উপরে স্থাপিত কাঠ বা পাথর; সরদল):
Ø Jam / dʒæm / (জ্যাম্) v {Pt. Pp. jammed / dʒæmd / (জ্যাম্ড্)} [to be unable to move] (কোনোকিছু কিছুতে শক্ত করে আটকে যাওয়া বা পড়া): He jammed the window open with a piece of wood.
Ø Creak / kriːk / (ক্রীক্) v {Pt. Pp. creaked / kriːkt / (ক্রীক্ট্)} [to make the sound that a door sometimes makes when you open it or that a wooden floor sometimes makes when you step on it] (ক্যাঁচ ক্যাঁচ শব্দ; ক্যাঁচ ক্যাঁচ শব্দ করা): a creaking bed/gate/stair
Revolving Door
Revolving door / rɪˈvɔːlvɪŋ ɔːr / (রিˈভোলভিঙ্ ডোর্) n [a type of door in an entrance to a large building that turns around in a circle as people go through it] (ঘূর্ণায়মান দরজা): The building has two big revolving doors to in.
Ø Entrance / ˈentrəns / (ˈএন্ট্রএন্ছ্) n [a door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place] (প্রবেশদ্বার): There are two entrances – one at the front and one round the back.
Ø Revolve / rɪˈvɑːlv / (রিˈভাঃল্ভ্) v [to move or cause Sth to move around a central point or line] (চক্রাকারে ঘোরানো): The earth revolves on its axis.
<ADJ> Revolving / rɪˈvɑːlvɪŋ / (রিˈভাঃল্ভিঙ্) adj [able to turn in a circle] (ঘূর্ণায়মান): a revolving bookcase
Sliding Door
Sliding door / slaɪdɪŋ ɔːr / (স্লাইডিঙ্ ডোর্) n [a door that slides across an opening rather than swinging away from it] (স্লাইডিং দরজা):
Ø Slide / slaɪd / (স্লাইড্) v {Pt. Pp. slid / slɪd / (স্লিড্)} [to move easily over a smooth or wet surface; to make Sth move in this way] (<কোনো মসৃণ পৃষ্ঠদেশের উপর দিয়ে>পিছলে যাওয়া বা অবাধে চলা): She slid her hand along the rail.
Ø Swing / swɪŋ / (সুইঙ্) v {Pt. Pp. swung / swʌŋ / (সোয়াঙ)} [to move easily and without interruption backward and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point,] (ঘোরা বা ঘোরানো; দোলা বা দোলানো): The door swung open
Swing Door
Swing door / swɪŋ ɔːr / (সুয়িঙ্ ডোর্) n {US swinging door} [a door that can swing open in either direction or that closes itself when stop holding it open] (দোলন দরজা):
Trapdoor / ˈtræpdɔːr / (ˈট্র্যাপডোর্) n [a small door in a ceiling or floor] (ছাদ অথবা মেঝেতে ছোট দরজা): There has trapdoor into the attic.
Ø Ceiling / ˈsiːlɪŋ / (ˈছীলিঙ্) n [the inside surface of a room which you can see when you look above you] (ঘরের ছাদের বা চালার নীচের পিঠ): a large room with a high ceiling
Ø Floor / flɔːr / (ফ্লোর্) n [the surface of a room on which you walk] (মেঝে): The children sat playing on the floor.
Ø Trap / træp / (ট্র্যাপ্) n [a device or hole for catching animals or people and preventing their escape] (ফাঁদ): A trap was laid, with fish’s bait.
Ø Attic / ˈætɪk / (ˈএ্যাটিক্) n [space or room just at the top of a building, under the roof, often used for storing things] (চিলে কুঠুরি): furniture stored in the attic
Door Handle Bumper
Door handle bumper / ɔːr ˈhændl ˈbʌmper / (ডোর্ ˈহ্যানডল্ ˈবামপার্) n {Also wall door knob protector} [it leaves a safe gap between the door knob and wall, greatly protecting walls from impact damage brought by door handles] (দ্বার হাতল রোধক): We need two set Door handle bumper for building doors.
Ø Knob / nɑːb / (নাঃব্) n [a round handle on a door or a drawer] (<দরজার বা কোনোকছুর>গোলাকার হাতল):
Ø Impact / ˈɪmpækt / (ˈইম্প্যাক্ট্) n [the force or action of one object hitting another] (সংঘাত):
Ø Damage / ˈdæmɪdʒ / (ˈড্যামিজ্) n [physical harm caused to Sth which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable] (ক্ষতি; হানি): The storm did not do much damage.
Ø Bumper / ˈbʌmpər / (ˈবাম্পার্) n [a horizontal bar along the lower front and lower back part of a motor vehicle to help protect it if there is an accident] (বারণী; বাম্পার): The cars crawled along bumper to bumper.
Tower Bolt
Tower Bolt / ˈtaʊər boʊlt / (ˈটাউএর বৌল্ট্) n [a door device which moves in a cylindrical casing; it is fitted on inside part of the door to lock the door without key] (ছিটকিনি): please close the door with tower bolt.
Ø Cylindrical / sɪˈlɪndrɪkl / (ছিˈলিন্ড্রিক্ল্) adj [having the shape of a cylinder (=hollow tube)] (<ফাঁকা টিউবের মতো>সিলিন্ডারের আকৃতি বিশিষ্ট): huge cylindrical gas tanks
Ø Casing / ˈkeɪsɪŋ / (ˈকেইছিঙ্) n [a covering that protects Sth] (আবরণ; আচ্ছাদন): The printer has an attractive black casing.
Ø Fit / fɪt / (ফিট্) v {Pt. Pp. fitted / fɪtɪd / (ফিটিড্)} [to put or fix Sth somewhere] (<কোনোকিছু কোথাও>লাগানো; বসানো): They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling.
Ø Tower / ˈtaʊər / (ˈটাউএর্) n [(usually in compounds) a tall piece of furniture used for storing things] (<কোনোকিছু রাখার>আধার/স্তম্ভ): CD tower, tower bolt, etc.
Aldrop / əˈldrɑːp / (এˈলড্রাঃপ্) n [aldrop is a device used to fit in a door to hold lock] (খিল):
Ring Pull
Ring pull / rɪŋ pʊl / (রিঙ পুল্) n [a small piece of metal with a ring attached which is pulled to open cans of drink, door, drawer, etc.] (<দরজার>কড়া):
Ø Ring / rɪŋ / (রিঙ্) n [an object in the shape of a circle with a large hole in the middle] (বৃত্ত): a key ring
Door Chain
Door chain / dɔːr tʃeɪn / (ডোর চেইন্) n {Also. security door chain} [a door chain consists of a small chain attached to the door frame, which attaches to track on the door for security purposes] (ডোর চেইন; নিরাকল):
Ø Track / træk / (ট্র্যাক্) v {Pt. PP. tracked / trækt / (ট্র্যাক্ট্)} [to follow the movements of Sb/Sth, especially by using special electronic equipment] (<ছোট যন্ত্র/কল এর মাধ্যমে>পথ অনুসরণ করা): We continued tracking the plane on our radar.
Knocker / ˈnɑːkər / (ˈনাঃকএল্) n {Also. door knocker} [a metal object fixed to a door which visitors use to hit the door in order to attract attention] (কড়া):
Peephole / ˈpiːphoʊl / (ˈপীপ্হৌল্) n {Also. door viewer; spyhole} [a small opening through a door allowing an individual to look from the inside to the outside] (উকিবর): I have a security peephole in my front door.
Ø Individual / ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl / (ˌইনডিˈভিজুএল্) adj [connected with one person; designed for one person] (স্বতন্ত্র; <একজন>ব্যাক্তি): an individual pizza
Ø Peep / piːp / (পীপ্) v {Pt. Pp. peeped / piːpt / (পীপ্ট্)} [to look quickly and secretly at Sth, especially through a small hole] (উঁকি দেওয়া): We saw him peeping through the keyhole.
Hinge / hɪndʒ / (হিনজ্) n [a piece of metal that fastens the edge of a door, window, lid, etc. to something else and allows it to swing open or closed] (কব্জা): The door had been pulled off its hinges.
Ø Fasten / ˈfæsn / (ˈফ্যাছন্) v {Pt. Pp. fastened / ˈfæsnd / (ˈফ্যাছ্ন্)} [to close Sth firmly so that it will not open; to be closed in this way] (একত্রে বাঁধা বা যুক্ত করা): Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow up.
Ø Swing / swɪŋ / (সুইঙ্) v {Pt. Pp. swung / swʌŋ / (সোয়াঙ)} [to move easily and without interruption backward and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point,] (ঘোরা বা ঘোরানো; দোলা বা দোলানো): The door swung open
Deadbolt / ˈdedboʊlt / (ˈডেড্বৌল্ট্) n [a locking mechanism distinct from a spring bolt lock because a deadbolt cannot be moved to the open position except by rotating the lock cylinder with the key] (বজ্রতালা): A deadbolt can make a door more resistant to entry without the correct key.
Ø Mechanism / ˈmekənɪzəm / (ˈমেকএনিজএম্) n [a set of moving parts in a machine that performs a task] (যন্ত্রের গঠন; নির্মাণ কৌশল): The mechanism for locking the door of the washing machine is childproof.
Ø Distinct / dɪˈstɪŋkt / (ডিছˈটিঙক্ট্) adj [cleanly different or of a different kind] (পৃথক; স্বতন্ত্র):
Ø Rotate / ˈroʊteɪt / (ˈরৌটেইট্) v [to turn in a circle, especially around a fixed point] (চক্রাকারে আবর্তিত হওয়া বা করানো): The wheel rotates around an axle.
Doorknob / dɔːrnɑːb / (ডোরনাঃব্) n [a type of round handle for a door that you turn to open the door] (ঘুর্ণন তালা): a set of a door knob
Ø Knob / nɑːb / (নাঃব্) n [a round handle on a door or a drawer] (<দরজার বা কোনোকছুর>গোলাকার হাতল):
Door Handle
Door handle / dɔːr ˈhændl / (ডোর ˈহ্যান্ডল্) n [a door handle is an attached object or mechanism refers to any fixed or lever-operated door latch device] (দ্বারসন্ধি; হাতল-তালা):
Ø Lever / ˈlevər / (ˈলেভএর্) n [a bar or handle which moves around a fixed point, so that one end of it can be pushed or polled in order to control the operation of a machine or move a heavy or stiff object] (চাপ-দণ্ড; লিভার): We had to use a lever to prise open the window.
Mortice Latch
Mortice latch / ˈmɔːrtɪs lætʃ / (ˈমোর্টিছ্ ল্যাচ্) n {Also. latch} [a mortice latch allows a door to be kept closed and easily opened with the handle] (মোরটিস ল্যাচ্):
Ø Mortice / ˈmɔːrtɪs / (ˈমোর্টিছ্) n [a hole cut in a piece of wood, etc. to receive the end of another piece of wood, to join or lock the parts together] (কাষ্ঠগ্রহণী; নাভি-খাঁজ্):
Strike Plate
Strike plate / straɪk pleɪt / (স্ট্রাইক্ প্লেইট্) n {Also. deadbolt strike} [a strike plate is a metal plate affixed to a door jamb with a hole or holes for the bolt of the door. When the door is closed, the bolt extends into the hole in the strike plate and holds the door closed] (স্ট্রাইক প্লেইট):
Ø Affix / əˈfɪks / (এˈফিক্স্) v {Pt. Pp. affixed / əˈfɪkst / (এˈফিক্স্ট্)} [to stick or fix one thing to another] (জুড়ে দেওয়া; সংযুক্ত করা): The label should be firmly affixed to the package.
Ø Jamb / dʒæm / (জ্যাম্) n [a vertical post at the side of a door or window] (<দরজা, জানালা ইত্যাদের>বাজু):
Escutcheon / ɪˈskʌtʃn / (ইˈছকাচন্) n [a flat piece of metal around a keyhole, door handle, or light switch] (সুবর্ম):
Hasp / hæsp / (হ্যাস্প্) n [a slotted hinged metal plate forming part of a fastening for doors, boxes, etc. fitted over a loop and secured by a pin or padlock] (আংটা): The shanty was always locked by a large padlock securing a hasp and staple.
Ø Slotted / ˈslɑːtɪd / (ˈস্লাঃটিড্) adj [a slotted kitchen utensil or tool has long narrow slot/holes in it] (সংকীর্ণ ফাঁক যুক্ত): a slotted spoon
Ø Staple / ˈsteɪpl / (ˈস্টেইপ্ল্) n [a u-shaped piece of metal with sharp ends which is hammered into a surface to hold something, such as a wire fence, in a particular position] (হুকগাঁথা):
Latch / lætʃ / (ল্যাচ্) n [a device for keeping a door or gate closed that consists of a metal bar which fits into a hole and which is lifted by pushing down on another bar] (অর্গল): He lifted the latch and opened the door.
Door Closer
Door closer / dɔːr kloʊzər / (ডৌর ক্লৌজএর্) n [a door closer is a mechanical device that closes a door, in general someone opens it, or after it was automatically closed] (দারবন্ধ):
Padlock / ˈpædlɑːk / (ˈপ্যাডলাঃক্) n [padlocks are portable locks with a shackle that may be passed through an opening (such as a chain link, or hasp staple) to prevent use theft, vandalism or harm] (প্যাড তালা; বহণ-তালা):
<VERB> Padlock / ˈpædlɑːk / (ˈপ্যাডলঃক্) v [to lack Sth with a padlock] (তালা দেওয়া/লাগানো): He always padlocked his bike to the railings.
Ø Portable / ˈpɔːrtəbl / (ˈপোর্টএবল্) adj [(designed to be) light and small enough to be easily carried or moved] (সুবহ; সুবহনীয়): The equipment is lightweight, portable and easy to store. A portable computer
Lock / lɑːk / (লাঃক্) n [a device that keeps a door, window, lid, etc. shut, usually needing a key to open it] (তালা): Thieves got in by smashing the lock off the door. He turned the key in the lock.
<VERB> Lock / lɑːk / (লাঃক্) v {Pt. Pp. locked / lɑːkt / (লাঃক্ট্)} [to put Sth in a safe place and fasten the lock] (তালা দেওয়া/লাগানো): He locked the confidential documents in his filing cabinet.
Ø Smash / smæʃ / (স্ম্যাশ্) v {Pt. Pp. smashed / smæʃt / (স্ম্যাশট্)} [to cause Sth to break noisily into a lot of small pieces] (ভেঙ্গে টুকরা টুকরা করা বা হওয়া): Several windows had been smashed.
Ø Confidential / ˌkɑːnfɪˈdenʃl / (ˌকাঃন্ফিˈডেনশ্ল্) adj [meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people] (গোপন ভাবে রক্ষিত; গুপ্ত): Your medical records are strictly confidential.
Weather Strip
Weather strip / ˈweðər strɪp / (ˈওএদএর্ স্ট্রিপ্) n [a strip of rubber, metal, or other material used to seal the edges of a door or window against the cold] (ঠাণ্ডা রোধক ফালি): Place of rubber, metal, or other material used to seal the edges of a door or window against the cold.
Bolt / boʊlt / (বৌল্ট্) v {Pt. Pp. bolted / boʊltɪd / (বৌল্ডিড্)} [to fasten Sth such as a door or window by sliding a bolt across; to be able to be fastened in this way] (হুড়কা লাগানো): The door bolts on the inside.
Ø Slide / slaɪd / (স্লাইড্) v {Pt. Pp. slid / slɪd / (স্লিড্)} [to move easily over a smooth or wet surface; to make Sth move in this way] (<কোনো মসৃণ কিছুর উপর দিয়ে>পিছলে যাওয়া বা অবাধে চলা): The automatic doors slid open.
Collapsible Gate
Collapsible gate / kəˈlæpsəbl geɪt / (কএˈল্যাপ্ছএব্ল্ গেইট্) n {Also bolton gate} [they are used widely in residential as well as commercial applications, that can be folded or made into a smaller shape that uses less space] (কাঁচি গেট): A collapsible gate
Ø Collapsible / kəˈlæpsəbl / (কএˈল্যাপ্ছএব্ল্) n [that can be folded or made into a smaller shape that uses less space] (ভেঙ্গে বন্ধ করা যায় এমন): a collapsible boat
Shutter Gate
Shutter gate / ˈʃʌtər geɪt / (ˈশাটএর্ গেইট্) n {Also roller shutter} [a shutter gate or roller shutter is a type of door or window shutter consisting of many horizontal slats (or sometimes bars or web systems) hinged together] (ঝাপ দরজা):
Ø Shutter / ˈʃʌtər / (ˈশাটএর্) n [one of a pair of wooden or metal covers that can be closed over the outside of a window to keep out light or protect the windows from damage] (ঝাপ): to open/close the shutters
Ø Slat / slæt / (স্ল্যাট্) n [one of a series of thin narrow pieces of wood, plastic or metal, used to make fences, furniture, window coverings, etc.] (<কাঠ, ধতু বা প্লাস্টিকের লম্ব, সরু>পাত): a gate made of wooden slats
How to Install a New Door and Replace Fittings
Noted from Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary
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