Necessary Vocabulary F




   Past     Participle










Fascinate / ˈfæsɪneɪt / (ফ্যাছিনেঠ্‌) v {মুগ্ধ করা} [to attract or interest someone a lot]:


Fascinated / ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd / (ফ্যাছিনেঠিড্‌)


Fascinated / ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd / (ফ্যাছিনেঠিড্‌): USA has always fascinated me.



Fascinates / ˈfæsɪneɪts / (ফ্যাছিনেঠ্‌ছ্‌)


Fascinating / ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ / (ফ্যাছিনেঠিং)

Flatter / ˈflætər / (ফ্ল্যাঠর্‌) v {তোষামোদ করা; ফোলানো} [to say nice things about someone, often in a way that is not sincere, because you want them to do something for you or you want to please them]:


Flattered / ˈflætərd / (ফ্ল্যাঠর্‌ড্‌): He felt flattered by our request to preside over the meeting.

Flattered / ˈflætərd / (ফ্ল্যাঠর্‌ড্‌)

Flatters / ˈflætərz / (ফ্ল্যাঠর্‌জ্‌)

Flattering / ˈflætərɪŋ / (ফ্ল্যাঠরিং)

Flee / fliː / (ফ্লী) v {পলায়ন করা বা ভাগা} [to leave a person or place very quickly, mainly because of danger or fear]:

Fled / fled / (ফ্লেড্‌): The children fled in terror as the hay caught fire.


Fled / fled / (ফ্লেড্‌)

Flees / fliːz / (ফ্লীজ্‌)

Fleeing / fliːɪŋ / (ফ্লীইং)

Foil / fɔɪl / (ফয়ল্‌) v {ব্যর্থ বা ভন্ডুল করা} [to stop something from happening, mainly something illegal; to prevent someone from doing something]:


Foiled / fɔɪld / (ফয়ল্‌ড্‌)

Foiled / fɔɪld / (ফয়ল্‌ড্‌)

Foiles / fɔɪlz / (ফয়ল্‌জ্‌)

Foiling / fɔɪlɪŋ / (ফয়লিং)

Foretell / fɔːrˈtel / (ফোঃর্ঠেল্‌) v {ভবিষ্যদ্ধানী করা; আগাম বলা} [to know or say what is going to happen in the future]:

Foretold / fɔːrˈtoʊld / (ফোঃঠৌল্ড্‌)

Foretold / fɔːrˈtoʊld/(ফোঃঠৌল্ড্‌): Prophets who have foretold the end of the world.


Foretells / fɔːrˈtelz / (ফোঃর্ঠেল্‌জ্‌)

Foretelling / fɔːrˈtelɪŋ / (ফোঃর্ঠেলিং)

Forfeit / ˈfɔːrfɪt / (ফোঃর্ফিঠ্‌) v {বাজেয়াপ্ত করা; অধিকার খোয়ান} [to lose something or have something taken away from you because you have done something wrong]:


Forfeited / ˈfɔːrfɪtɪd / (ফোঃর্ফিঠিড্‌): If you cancel your flight, you will forfeit your deposit.

Forfeited / ˈfɔːrfɪtɪd / (ফোঃর্ফিঠিড্‌)

Forfeits / ˈfɔːrfɪts / (ফোঃর্ফিঠছ্‌)

Forfeiting / ˈfɔːrfɪtɪŋ / (ফোঃর্ফিঠিং)

Foster / ˈfɑːstər / (ফআঃছ্‌ঠর্‌) v {লালন পালন করা} [to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent]:


Fostered / ˈfɑːstərd / (ফআঃছ্‌ঠর্ড্‌)

Fostered / ˈfɑːstərd / (ফআঃছ্‌ঠর্ড্‌)

Fosters / ˈfɑːstərz / (ফআঃছ্‌ঠর্জ্‌)

Fostering / ˈfɑːstərɪŋ / (ফআঃছ্‌ঠরিং)

Found / faʊnd / (ফান্ড্‌) v {ভিত্তিস্থাপন করা; প্রতিষ্ঠা করা} [to start something, such as an organization or an institution, especially by providing money]:

 <SYN> Establish


Founded / faʊndɪd / (ফান্ডিড্‌): His family founded the college in 1890.

Founded / faʊndɪd / (ফান্ডিড্‌)

Founds / faʊndz / (ফান্ড্‌জ্‌)

Founding / faʊndɪŋ / (ফান্ডিং)

Freeze / friːz / (ফ্রীজ্‌) v {হিমায়িত করা বা বরফে পরিণত করা} [to become hard, and often turn to ice, as a result of extreme cold; to make something do this]:


Froze / froʊz / (ফ্রৌজ্‌): Her smile froze for a moment.

Frozen / ˈfroʊzən / (ফ্রৌজন্‌)

Freezes / friːzɪz / (ফ্রীজিজ্‌): Water freezes at 0°C.

Freezing / friːzɪŋ / (ফ্রীজিং): It`s freezing tonight.

 Fall / fɔːl / (ফোঃল) v {পড়ে যাওয়া} [to drop down from a higher level to a lower level without intending to or by accident]:


 Fell / fel / (ফেল্): One of the kids fell over.

 Fallen / ˈfɔːlən / (ফোঃলন্‌)

 Falls / fɔːlz / (ফোঃলজ্‌)

 Falling / fɔːlɪŋ / (ফোঃলিং)

Feed / fiːd / (ফীড্‌) v {খাওয়ানো} [to give food to a person, group, or an animal]: How can we food a hungry world?

Fed / fed / (ফেড্‌)

Fed / fed / (ফেড্‌): The animals are fed with grass, hay, and barley.


Feeds / fiːdz / (ফীডজ্‌):

Feeding / fiːdɪŋ / (ফীডিং): The children love feeding bread to the chickens.


Feel / fiːl / (ফীল্‌) v {অনুভব/ উপলব্ধি করা} [to experience a particular feeling or emotional]: I feel sorry for him.


Felt / felt / (ফেলঠ্‌)

Felt / felt / (ফেলঠ্‌)

Feels / fiːlz / (ফীল্‌জ্‌): It feels like rain.

Feeling / ˈfiːlɪŋ / (ফীলিং)

Fight / faɪt / (ফাঠ্‌) v {যুদ্ধ করা} [to use physical force to defeat an enemy or group of people]:


Fought / fɔːt / (ফোঃঠ্‌): He fought in Vietnam.


Fought / fɔːt / (ফোঃঠ্‌)

Fights / faɪts / (ফাঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Fighting / faɪtɪŋ / (ফাঠিং)

Fine / faɪn / (ফান্‌) v {জরিমানা করা} [to make somebody pay money as an official punishment for not obeying a rule or law]:


Fined / faɪnd / (ফানড্‌): He was fined for speeding.

Fined / faɪnd / (ফানড্‌)

Fines / faɪnz / (ফানজ্‌)

Fining / faɪnɪŋ / (ফানিং)

Find / faɪnd / (ফান্ড্‌) v {খুঁজে পাওয়া} [to discover somebody/ something either unexpectedly or by chance]: I cannot find my keys.


Found / faʊnd / (ফাউন্ড্‌)

Found / faʊnd / (ফাউন্ড্‌): He was found unconscious and bleeding.

Finds / faɪndz / (ফান্ড্‌জ্‌)

Finding / faɪndɪŋ / (ফান্ডিং)

Flow / floʊ / (ফ্লৌ) v {বয়ে চলা; প্রবাহিত হওয়া} [(especially of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move continuously and easily in one direction]: He lost his control and the tears began to flow.


Flowed / floʊd / (ফ্লৌড্‌)

Flowed / floʊd / (ফ্লৌড্‌)

Flows / floʊz / (ফ্লৌজ্‌)

Flowing / floʊɪŋ / (ফ্লৌইং): Blood was still flowing from the wound.


Fly / flaɪ / (ফ্লা) v {ওড়া; উড়ে যাওয়া} [when a bird, insect, or aircraft flies, it moves through air or space]

Flew / fluː / (ফ্লূ): The planes flew through the clouds.


Flown / floʊn / (ফ্লৌন্‌)

Flies / flaɪz / (ফ্লাজ্‌): He always flies business class.

Flying / flaɪɪŋ / (ফ্লাইং)

Forgive / fərˈɡɪv / (র্গিভ্‌) v {ক্ষমা করা} [to stop feeling angry with somebody who has done something to harm or annoy you]: I could not forgive her.


Forgave / fərˈɡeɪv / (র্গেভ্‌)

Forgiven / fərˈɡɪvn / (র্গিভন্‌)

Forgives / fərˈɡɪvz / (র্গিভ্‌জ্‌)

Forgiving / fərˈɡɪvɪŋ / (র্গিভিং)

Fry / fraɪ / (ফ্রা) v {ভাঁজা} [to cook something in hot oil or fat]: Please fry the vegetables gently in fat.


Fried / fraɪd / (ফ্রাড্‌)

Fried / fraɪd / (ফ্রাড্‌)

Fries / fraɪz / (ফ্রাজ্‌)

Frying / fraɪɪŋ / (ফ্রাইই)

Fetch / fetʃ / (ফেচ্‌) v {কোনোকিছু গিয়ে নিয়ে আসা} [to go to another place to get something or somebody and bring them/it back]:

Fetched / fetʃt / (ফেচ্‌ঠ্‌)

Fetched / fetʃt / (ফেচ্‌ঠ্‌): He has gone to fetch the child from school.


Fetches / fetʃ ɪz / (ফেচিজ্‌)

Fetching / fetʃɪŋ / (ফেচিং)

Felicitate / fəˈlɪsɪteɪt / (লিছিঠেঠ্‌) v {অভিনন্দিত করা; সমাদর করা} [to praise somebody and say that you approve of or are pleased about a special or rare achievement]:

Felicitated / fəˈlɪsɪteɪtɪd / (লিছিঠেঠিড্‌)

Felicitated / fəˈlɪsɪteɪtɪd / (লিছিঠেঠিড্‌): The entire organization should be felicitated.


Felicitates / fəˈlɪsɪteɪts / (লিছিঠেঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Felicitating / fəˈlɪsɪteɪtɪŋ / (লিছিঠেঠিং)

Ferry / ˈferi / (ফেরি) v {খেয়া পার করা বা হওয়া} [to transport people or goods in a boart or other vehicle, especially regularly and often]:

Ferried / ˈferid / (ফেরিড্‌)

Ferried / ˈferid / (ফেরিড্‌): The kids need to be ferried to and from school.


Ferries / ˈferiz / (ফেরিজ্‌)

Ferrying / ˈferiɪŋ / (ফেরিইং)

Forsake / fərˈseɪk / (র্ছেক্‌) v {পরিত্যাগ করা; বর্জন করা} [to leave someone or something for ever, especially when you have a responsibility to stay]:


Forsook / fərˈsʊk / (র্ছুক্‌)

Forsaken / fərseɪkən / (র্ছেন্‌)

Forsakes / fərˈseɪks / (র্ছেক্‌ছ্‌)

Forsaking / fərˈseɪkɪŋ / (র্ছেকিং)

Frustrate / ˈfrʌstreɪt / (ফ্রাছ্‌ঠ্রেঠ্‌) v {ব্যাহত/ ব্যর্থ করা; হতাশ করা} [to make somebody feel annoyed or less confident because they cannot do or achieve what they want]:


Frustrated / ˈfrʌstreɪtɪd / (ফ্রাছ্‌ঠ্রেঠিড্‌): These questions frustrated me.

Frustrated / ˈfrʌstreɪtɪd / (ফ্রাছ্‌ঠ্রেঠিড্)

Frustrates / ˈfrʌstreɪts / (ফ্রাছ্‌ঠ্রেঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Frustrating / ˈfrʌstreɪtɪŋ / (ফ্রাছ্‌ঠ্রেঠিং)

Fret / fret / (ফ্রেঠ্‌) v {অস্থির হওয়া; ছট ফট করা; মেজাজ বিগড়ানো; খিটমিট করা} [to be nervous or worried and not able to relax]: Do not fret, I am sure he is OKay.


Fretted / fretɪd / (ফ্রেঠিড্‌)

Fretted / fretɪd / (ফ্রেঠিড্‌)

Frets / frets / (ফ্রেঠছ্‌)

Fretting / fretɪŋ / (ফ্রেঠিং)

Frown / fraʊn / (ফ্রান্‌) v {ভুরু কোঁচকানো; ভ্রুকুটি করা} [to make a seriously angry, thinking hard or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead]:


Frowned / fraʊnd / (ফ্রান্‌ড্‌): She frowned with annoyance.

Frowned / fraʊnd / (ফ্রান্‌ড্‌)

Frowns / fraʊnz / (ফ্রান্‌জ্‌)

Frowning / fraʊnɪŋ / (ফ্রানিং)

Function / ˈfʌŋkʃn / (ফাঙ্‌কশ্‌ন্‌) v {কাজ করা} [to work or operate in the correct way]:


Functioned / ˈfʌŋkʃnd / (ফাঙ্‌কশ্‌ন্ড্‌)

Functioned / ˈfʌŋkʃnd / (ফাঙ্‌কশ্‌ন্ড্‌)

Functions / ˈfʌŋkʃnz / (ফাঙ্‌কশ্‌ন্‌জ্‌)

Functioning / ˈfʌŋkʃnɪŋ / (ফাঙ্‌কশ্‌নিং)

Fail / feɪl / (ফেল্‌) v {ব্যর্থ হওয়া} [to not be successful in achieving something]:


Failed / feɪld / (ফেল্ড্‌):

I tried to cheer her up but failed miserably.


Failed / feɪld / (ফেল্ড্‌)

Fails / feɪlz / (ফেল্‌জ্‌)

Failing / feɪlɪŋ / (ফেলিং)

Free / friː / (ফ্রী) v {মুক্ত বা স্বাধীন করা/ হওয়া} [to allow somebody to leave prison or place where they have been kept against their will]:


Freed / friːd / (ফ্রীড্‌)

Freed / friːd / (ফ্রীড্‌): She had lastly been freed of her responsibilities.

Frees / friːz / (ফ্রীজ্‌)

Freeing / friːɪŋ / (ফ্রীইং)

Flicker / ˈflɪkər / (ফ্লিকর্‌) v {(আলো, আশ ইত্যাদি) মিটমিট করা বা করে জ্বলা} [(of a light or a flame) to keep going on and off as it shines or burns]:


Flickered / ˈflɪkərd / (ফ্লিকর্ড্‌): Her gaze flickered over his.

Flickered / ˈflɪkərd / (ফ্লিকর্ড্‌)

Flickers / ˈflɪkərz / (ফ্লিকর্‌জ্‌)

Flickering / ˈflɪkərɪŋ / (ফ্লিকরিং)

Fold / foʊld / (ফৌল্ড্‌) v {ভাঁজ করা} [to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part of it lies on top of the other part]:


Folded / foʊldɪd / (ফৌল্ডিড্‌): I folded up the clothes and put them away.

Folded foʊldɪd / (ফৌল্ডিড্‌)

Folds / foʊldz / (ফৌল্ডজ্‌)

Folding / foʊldɪŋ / (ফৌল্ডিং)

Formulate / ˈfɔːrmjuleɪt / (ফোঃর্মিউলেঠ্‌) v {সূত্র বদ্ধ করা} [to create or prepare something carefully, giving particular attention to the details]:


Formulated / ˈfɔːrmjuleɪtɪd / (ফোঃর্মিউলেঠিড্‌)

Formulated / ˈfɔːrmjuleɪtɪd / (ফোঃর্মিউলেঠিড্‌): The compost is specially formulated for pot plants.


Formulates / ˈfɔːrmjuleɪts / (ফোঃর্মিউলেঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Formulating / ˈfɔːrmjuleɪtɪŋ / (ফোঃর্মিউলেঠিং)

Forbid / fərˈbɪd / (র্‌ˈবিড্‌) v {নিষেধ/মানা/বারণ করা} [to order that something must not be done]:


Forbade / fərˈbeɪd / (ফএর্‌ˈবেইড্‌): His mother forbade the marriage.


Forbidden / fərˈbɪdn / (র্‌ˈবিডন্‌)

Forbids / fərˈbɪdz / (র্‌ˈবিডজ্‌)

Forbidding / fərˈbɪdɪŋ / (র্‌ˈবিডিং)

Flame / fleɪm / (ফ্লেম্‌) v {শিখা বিস্তার করে জ্বলা; জ্বলে ওঠা} [to burn with a bright fire]:


Flamed / fleɪmd / (ফ্লেমড্‌): The woods flamed on the hearth.


Flamed / fleɪmd / (ফ্লেমড্‌)

Flames / fleɪmz / (ফ্লেমজ্‌)

Flaming / fleɪmɪŋ / (ফ্লেমিং)

Fire / faɪər / (ফাইএর্‌) v 1. {গুলি/ গোলা বর্ষণ করা; তোপধ্বনি করা; কামান দাগা} [to cause a weapon to shoot bullets, arrows, or missiles]:

2. {বরখাস্ত করা} [to force someone to leave their job]

 <SYN> Sack


Fired / faɪərd / (ফাইএরড্‌): He fired a revolver at his attacker.



He got fired from his job.

Fired / faɪərd / (ফাইএরড্‌)

Fires / faɪərz / (ফাইএরজ্‌)

Fireing / faɪərɪŋ / (ফাইএরিং)

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