Necessary Vocabulary P




   Past     Participle










Pay / peɪ / (পে) v {প্রদান করা} [to give money to somebody for something you want to buy or for goods, services, etc.]: She will pay dearly for what she did.



Paid / peɪd / (পেড্‌)


Paid / peɪd / (পেড্‌)


Pays / peɪz / (পেজ্‌)


Paying / peɪɪŋ / (পেইং)

Permit / pəˈrmɪt / (র্মিঠ্‌) v {অনুমতি দেওয়া} [to allow somebody to do something]:

Permitted / pəˈrmɪtɪd / (র্মিঠিড্‌‌): Raju permitted himself a wry smile.


Permitted / pəˈrmɪtɪd / (র্মিঠিড্‌‌)

Permits / pəˈrmɪts / (র্মিঠছ্‌)

Permitting / pəˈrmɪtɪŋ / (র্মিঠিং)


Plan / plæn / (ফ্ল্যান্‌) v {পরিকল্পনা/ নকশা করা} [to think or make detailed arrangements for something you want to do in the future]:



Planned / plænd / (ফ্ল্যান্ড্‌): She planned to leave Dhaka on Friday.



Planned / plænd / (ফ্ল্যান্ড্‌)


Plans / plænz / (ফ্ল্যানজ্‌)


Planning / plænɪŋ / (ফ্ল্যানিং)

Plant / plænt / (প্ল্যান্ঠ্‌) v {রোপণ/ বপন করা} [to put a plant, seeds, etc. in the ground or in a container of soil to grow]: Plant these rose-bushes in full sun.


Planted / plæntɪd / (প্ল্যান্ঠিড্‌‌)

Planted / plæntɪd / (প্ল্যান্ঠিড্‌‌)

Plants / plænts / (প্ল্যান্ঠছ্‌)

Planting / plæntɪŋ / (প্ল্যান্ঠিং)

Play / pleɪ / (প্লে) v {খেলা করা} [to do things for pleasure, as children do; to enjoy yourself, rather than work]: Let's play a different game.


Played / pleɪd / (প্লেড্‌)

Played / pleɪd / (প্লেড্‌)

Plays / pleɪz / (প্লেজ্‌)

Playing / pleɪɪŋ / (প্লেইং)

Please / pliːz / (প্লীজ্‌) v {সন্তুষ্ট করা} [to make somebody feel happy or satisfied]: She is a difficult woman to please.


Pleased / pliːzd / (প্লীজ্‌ড্‌): The result pleased us enormously.


Pleased / pliːzd / ()

Pleases / pliːzɪz / (প্লীজিজ্‌)

Pleasing / pliːzɪŋ / (প্লীজিং)

Pray / preɪ / (প্রে) v {প্রার্থনা করা} [to speak to God either privately or in a religious ceremony in order to give thanks or ask for help]:


Prayed / preɪd / (প্রেড্‌): She prayed to be forgiven.


Prayed / preɪd / (প্রেড্‌)

Prays / preɪz / (প্রেজ্‌)

Praying / preɪɪŋ / (প্রেইং)

Prefer / prɪˈfɜːr / (প্রিফআঃর্‌) v {অধিকতর পছন্দ করা; শ্রেয় মনে করা} [to like, choose, or want one thing or person better than another]: 'Coffee or tea?' 'I would prefer tea, thank you very much.'


Preferred / prɪˈfɜːrd / (প্রিফআঃর্ড্‌)

Preferred / prɪˈfɜːrd / (প্রিফআঃর্ড্‌)

Prefers / prɪˈfɜːrz / (প্রিফআঃর্জ্‌)

Prefering / prɪˈfɜːrɪŋ / (প্রিফআঃরিং)

Put / pʊt / (পুঠ্‌) v {রাখা} [to move something or someone into a particular place, position, or direction]: Did you put sugar in my tea, please?


Put / pʊt / (পুঠ্‌)

Put / pʊt / (পুঠ্‌)

Puts / pʊts / (পুঠছ্‌)

Putting / pʊtɪŋ / (পুঠিং)

Pinch / pɪntʃ / (পিন্‌চ্‌) v {চিমটি কাটা} [to take a piece of someone's skin, strongly between thumb and first finger and squeeze hard, mainly to hurt the person]:


Pinched / pɪntʃt / (পিন্‌চ্‌ঠ্‌): She pinched me sharply on the arm.

Pinched / pɪntʃt / (পিন্‌চ্‌ঠ্‌)

Pinches / pɪntʃɪz / (পিন্‌চিজ্‌)

Pinching / pɪntʃɪŋ / (পিন্‌চিং): My shoes were pinching badly.

Participate / pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt / (পআঃর্‌ঠিছিপেঠ্‌) v {অংশগ্রহণ করা} [to take part in or become involved in an activity]: Over half the population of this country participate in sport.


Participated / pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪtɪd / (পআঃর্‌ঠিছিপেঠিড্‌‌):


Participated / pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪtɪd / (পআঃর্‌ঠিছিপেঠিড্‌‌)

Participates / pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪts / (পআঃর্‌ঠিছিপেঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Participating / pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪtɪŋ / (পআঃর্‌ঠিছিপেঠিং)

Patronize / ˈpeɪtrənaɪz / (ফেঠ্‌রনাজ্‌) v {পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা করা} [to treat someone in a way that seems friendly, but which shows that you think that they are not very intelligent, experienced, etc.]:


Patronized / ˈpeɪtrənaɪzd / (ফেঠ্‌রনাজ্‌ড্‌): Cornelia often felt patronized by her tutors.

Patronized / ˈpeɪtrənaɪzd / (ফেঠ্‌রনাজ্‌ড্‌)

Patronizes / ˈpeɪtrənaɪzɪz / (ফেঠ্‌রনাজিজ্‌)

Patronizing / ˈpeɪtrənaɪzɪŋ / (ফেঠ্‌রনাজিং)

Pant / pænt / (প্যান্ঠ্‌) v {হ্যাঁপানো} [to breathe quickly with short breaths with your mouth open, usually because you have been doing something very energetic, or because it is very hot]:


Panted / pæntɪd / (প্যান্ঠিড্‌)

Panted / pæntɪd / (প্যান্ঠিড্‌)

Pants / pænts / (প্যান্ঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Panting / pæntɪŋ / (প্যান্ঠিং): She was panting for breath.

Peep / piːp / (ফীফ্‌) v {উঁকি মারা} [to look quickly and secretly at something for a short time, especially through a smell hole]:


Peeped / piːpt / (ফীফ্‌ঠ্‌): The man peeped through a crack in the door.


Peeped / piːpt / (ফীফ্‌ঠ্‌)

Peeps / piːps / (ফীফ্‌ছ্‌)

Peeping / piːpɪŋ / (ফীফিং)

Peel / piːl / (পীল্‌) v {ফলের খোসা ছাড়ানো বা ছেলা} [to remove the skin of the fruit, vegetables, etc.]:


Peeled / piːld / (পীল্‌ড্‌)

Peeled / piːld / (পীল্‌ড্‌): Have you peeled the vegetables.


Peels / piːlz / (পীল্‌জ্‌)

Peeling / piːlɪŋ / (পীলিং)

Pick / pɪk / (পিক্‌) v {কুড়ানো; তোলা; ছিঁড়ে নেওয়া} [to take fruit, flowers, etc. from the plant, especially with the fingers]:


Picked / pɪkt / (পিক্‌ঠ্‌)

Picked / pɪkt / (পিক্‌ঠ্‌): vegitables freshly picked from the field.

Picks / pɪks / (পিক্‌ছ্‌)

Picking / pɪkɪŋ / (পিকিং)

Pierce / pɪrs / (পিরছ্‌) v {বিদ্ধ বা ছিদ্র করা} [to make a small hole in something, or to go through something, with a sharp point]:


Pierced / pɪrst / (পিরছ্‌ঠ্‌): She pierced another small hole in her belt with the knife.


Pierced / pɪrst / (পিরছ্‌ঠ্‌)

Pierces / pɪrsɪz / (পিরছিজ্‌)

Piercing / pɪrsɪŋ / (পিরছিং)

Pour / pɔːr / (পোঃর্‌) v {ঢালা} [to make a liquid or substance flow from a container into another container, mainly by holding the container at an angle]:


Poured / pɔːrd / (পোঃর্ড্‌)

Poured / pɔːrd / (পোঃর্ড্‌): I have poured a cup of coffee for you.

Pours / pɔːrz / (পোঃর্‌জ্‌)

Pouring / pɔːrɪŋ / (পোঃরিং)

Promise / ˈprɑːmɪs / (প্রআঃমিছ্‌) v {প্রতিশ্রুতি দেওয়া; কথা দেওয়া; অঙ্গীকার করা} [to tell someone that you will certainly do or not do something]:


Promised / ˈprɑːmɪst / (প্রআঃমিছ্‌ঠ্‌)

Promised / ˈprɑːmɪst / (প্রআঃমিছ্‌ঠ্‌): I have promised my old computer to Jane.


Promises / ˈprɑːmɪsɪz / (প্রআঃমিছিজ্‌)

Promising / ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ / (প্রআঃমিছিং)

Persuade / pərˈsweɪd / (র্‌ছোএড্‌) v {(কাউকে) বোঝানো বা পটানো বা বুঝিয়ে সুজিয়ে রাজি করা} [to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reasons for doing it]:  


Persuaded / pərˈsweɪdɪd / (র্‌ছোএডিড্‌)

Persuaded / pərˈsweɪdɪd / (র্‌ছোএডিড্‌): He is always easily persuaded.

Persuades / pərˈsweɪdz / (র্‌ছোএড্‌জ্‌)

Persuading / pərˈsweɪdɪŋ / (র্‌ছোএডিং)

Press / pres / (প্রেছ্‌) v {চাপ দেওয়া; চাপা; টেপা} [to push something closely and firmly against something; to be pushed in this way]:


Pressed / prest / (প্রেছঠ্‌): He pressed on the doorbell.

Pressed / prest / (প্রেছঠ্‌)

Presses / presɪz / (প্রেছিজ্‌)

Pressing / presɪŋ / (প্রেছিং)

Push / pʊʃ / (পুশ্‌) v {ধাক্কা বা ঠেলা দেওয়া} [to use physical pressure or force, especially with your hands, arms or body in order to make somebody/ something move forward or further away from you]:


Pushed / pʊʃt / (পুশ্‌ঠ্‌): A man pushed his way to the front of the crowd.

Pushed / pʊʃt / (পুশ্‌ঠ্‌)

Pushes / pʊʃɪz / (পুশিজ্‌)

Pushing / pʊʃɪŋ / (পুশিং)

Pull / pʊl / (পুল্‌) v {টানা} [to hold something firmly and use force in order to move something towards yourself]:


Pulled / pʊld / (পুল্ড্‌): She pulled at his coat sleeve.

Pulled / pʊld / (পুল্ড্‌)

Pulls / pʊlz / (পুলজ্‌)

Pulling / pʊlɪŋ / (পুলিং)

Pee / piː / (ফী) v {প্রস্রাব করা; মূতা} [to pass waste liquid from the body]: I need to pee.


Peed / piːd / (ফীড্‌)

Peed / piːd / (ফীড্‌)

Pees / piːz / (ফীজ্‌)

Peeing / piːɪŋ / (ফীইং)

Piss / pɪs / (ফিছ্‌) v {মূত্র ত্যাগ করা} [to pass urine from the body]:

Pissed / pɪst / (ফিছ্‌ঠ্‌)

Pissed / pɪst / (ফিছ্‌ঠ্‌)

Pisses / pɪsɪz / (ফিছিজ্‌)

Pissing / pɪsɪŋ / (ফিছিং): That dog was pissing on our fence.


Praise / preɪz / (প্রেজ্‌) v {প্রশংসা/ গুণকীর্তন/ তারিফ করা} [to express admiration or approval of the achievements for  somebody or something]:

 <SYN> Compliment


Praised / preɪzd / (প্রেজ্‌ড্‌): She praised all her staff highly.

Praised / preɪzd / (প্রেজ্‌ড্‌)

Praises / preɪzɪz / (প্রেজিজ্‌)

Praising / preɪzɪŋ / (প্রেজিং)

Pretend / prɪˈtend / (প্রিঠেন্ড্‌) v {ভান/ ছল করা} [to behave in a specific way, in order to make other people believe something that is not true]:


Pretended / prɪˈtendɪd / (প্রিঠেন্ডিড্‌‌): Sometimes the boy pretended to be asleep.


Pretended / prɪˈtendɪd / (প্রিঠেন্ডিড্‌‌)

Pretends / prɪˈtendz / (প্রিঠেন্ড্‌জ্‌)

Pretending / prɪˈtendɪŋ / (প্রিঠেন্ডিং)

Polish / ˈpɑːlɪʃ / (পআঃলিশ্‌) v {ঘষামাজা করা} [to rub something using a piece of cloth or brush to smooth and shine it]:


Polished / ˈpɑːlɪʃt / (পআঃলিশ্‌ঠ্‌)

Polished / ˈpɑːlɪʃt / (পআঃলিশ্‌ঠ্‌): The floor had been polished smooth.


Polishes / ˈpɑːlɪʃɪz / (পআঃলিশিজ্‌)

Polishing / ˈpɑːlɪʃɪŋ / (পআঃলিশিং)

Prevent / prɪˈvent / (প্রিভেন্ঠ্‌) v {বাঁধা দেওয়া; প্রতিরোধ করা} [to stop something from happening or to stop somebody from doing something]:


Prevented / prɪˈventɪd / (প্রিভেন্ঠিড্‌)

Prevented / prɪˈventɪd / (প্রিভেন্ঠিড্‌): The accident could have been prevented.

Prevents / prɪˈvents / (প্রিভেন্ঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Preventing / prɪˈventɪŋ / (প্রিভেন্ঠিং)

Perform / pərˈfɔːrm / (র্‌ফোঃর্ম্‌) v {কোনো কাজ করা; সম্পন্ন করা} [to do something, such as a piece of work, task or duty]:

 <SYN> Carry out


Performed / pərˈfɔːrmd / (র্‌ফোঃর্ম্‌ড্‌): Most of the students performed well in the last exam.


Performed / pərˈfɔːrmd / (র্‌ফোঃর্ম্‌ড্‌)

Performs / pərˈfɔːrmz / (র্‌ফোঃর্ম্‌জ্‌)

Performing / pərˈfɔːrmɪŋ / (র্‌ফোঃর্মিং)

Plot / plɑːt / (প্লআঃঠ্‌) v {ষড়যন্ত্র করা} [to make a secret plan to do something wrong, harmful, or illegal]:

 <SYN> Conspire


Plotted / plɑːtɪd / (প্লআঃঠিড্‌)

Plotted / plɑːtɪd / (প্লআঃঠিড্‌)

Plots / plɑːts / (প্লআঃঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Plotting / plɑːtɪŋ / (প্লআঃঠিং): The military was plotting a coup.

Plough / plaʊ / (প্লা) v {(জমি মই দিয়ে) চাষ করা} [to dig and turn over a field or other area of land with a plough]:


Ploughed / plaʊd / (প্লাড্‌): They ploughed nearly 8,000 acres of virgin moorland.


Ploughed / plaʊd / (প্লাড্‌)

Ploughs / plaʊz / (প্লাজ্‌)

Ploughing / plaʊɪŋ / (প্লাইং)

Practice / ˈpræktɪs / (প্র্যাক্‌ঠিছ্‌) v {অনুশীলন বা চর্চা করা} [to do or play something regularly so that you can improve skill]:

Practiced / ˈpræktɪsd / (প্র্যাক্‌ঠিছ্ঠ): He diligently practiced his violin every day.


Practiced / ˈpræktɪsd / (প্র্যাক্‌ঠিছ্ঠ)

Practices / ˈpræktɪsɪz / (প্র্যাক্‌ঠিছিজ্‌)

Practicing / ˈpræktɪsɪŋ / (প্র্যাক্‌ঠিছিই)

Preserve / prɪˈzɜːrv / (প্রিজাঃর্ভ্‌) v {রক্ষা/ সংরক্ষণ করা} [to keep something as it is, mainly in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged]:


Preserved / prɪˈzɜːrvd / (প্রিজাঃর্ভ্‌ড্‌): He carefully preserved all her letters.

Preserved / prɪˈzɜːrvd / (প্রিজাঃর্ভ্‌ড্‌)

Preserves / prɪˈzɜːrvz / (প্রিজাঃর্ভ্‌জ্‌)

Preserving / prɪˈzɜːrvɪŋ / (প্রিজাঃর্ভিং)

Preside / prɪˈzaɪd / (প্রিজাড্‌) v {সভাপতিত্ব করা} [to leas or be in charge of a formal meeting, trail, ceremony, etc.]:


Presided / prɪˈzaɪdɪd / (প্রিজাডিড্‌): The MP presided over a meeting of his inner office.


Presided / prɪˈzaɪdɪd / (প্রিজাডিড্‌)

Presides / prɪˈzaɪdz / (প্রিজাড্‌জ্‌)

Presiding / prɪˈzaɪdɪŋ / (প্রিজাডিং)

Pollute / pəˈluːt / (লূঠ্‌) v {দূষিত করা} [to make dirty or harmful substances to the soil, air, water, etc. so that it is no longer pleasant or safe to use]:


Polluted / pəˈluːtɪd / (লূঠিড্‌)

Polluted / pəˈluːtɪd / (লূঠিড্‌): polluted water

Pollutes / pəˈluːts / (লূঠ্‌ছ্‌): Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals.


Polluting / pəˈluːtɪŋ / (লূঠিং)

Print / prɪnt / (প্রিন্ঠ্‌) v {ছাপা; মুদ্রিত করা} [to produce writing or images on paper using a machine that puts ink on the surface]:


Printed / prɪntɪd / (প্রিন্ঠিড্‌)

Printed / prɪntɪd / (প্রিন্ঠিড্‌): The message was printed in red ink.

Prints / prɪnts / (প্রিন্ঠিছ্‌)

Printing / prɪntɪŋ / (প্রিন্ঠিং)

Proceed / proʊˈsiːd / (ফ্রৌছীড্‌) v {অগ্রসর হওয়া} [to continue as planned]:


Proceeded / proʊˈsiːdɪd / (ফ্রৌছীডিড্‌): He proceeded back to her office.


Proceeded / proʊˈsiːdɪd / (ফৌছীডিড্‌)

Proceeds / proʊˈsiːdz / (ফ্রৌছীড্‌জ্‌)

Proceeding / proʊˈsiːdɪŋ / (ফ্রৌছীডিং)

Prohibit / prəˈhɪbɪt / (ফ্রহিবিঠ্‌) v {নিষেধ করা} [to stop something from being done or used mainly by law]:

 <SYN> Forbid

Prohibited / prəˈhɪbɪtɪd / (ফ্রহিবিঠিড্‌)

Prohibited / prəˈhɪbɪtɪd / (ফ্রহিবিঠিড্‌): Smoking in the cinema is strictly prohibited.


Prohibits / prəˈhɪbɪts / (ফ্রহিবিঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Prohibiting / prəˈhɪbɪtɪŋ / (ফ্রহিবিঠিং)

Promote / prəˈmoʊt / (প্রমৌঠ্‌) v {পদোন্নতি দান করা} [to move somebody to a higher or more important position or rank]:


Promoted / prəˈmoʊtɪd / (প্রমৌঠিড্‌)

Promoted / prəˈmoʊtɪd / (প্রমৌঠিড্‌): She has been promoted to sergeant.


Promotes / prəˈmoʊts / (প্রমৌঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Promoting / prəˈmoʊtɪŋ / (প্রমৌঠিং)

Propose / prəˈpoʊz / (ফ্রফৌজ্‌) v {প্রস্তাব করা/ দেওয়া} [to offer or suggest a possible plan, an idea, etc. for people to think about and decide on]:


Proposed / prəˈpoʊzd / (ফ্রফৌজ্‌ড্‌): He proposed that the book be banned.

Proposed / prəˈpoʊzd / (ফ্রফৌজ্‌ড্‌)

Proposes / prəˈpoʊzɪz / (ফ্রফৌজিজ্‌)

Proposing / prəˈpoʊzɪŋ / (ফ্রফৌজিং)

Protect / prəˈtekt / (ফ্রঠেখঠ্‌) v {সুরক্ষা করা} [to make sure that someone or something is not harmed, damaged, or injured]:


Protected / prəˈtektɪd / (ফ্রঠেখঠিড্‌)

Protected / prəˈtektɪd / (ফ্রঠেখঠিড্‌): Keep the camera well-protected at all times.


Protects / prəˈtekts / (ফ্রঠেখঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Protecting / prəˈtektɪŋ / (ফ্রঠেখঠিং)

Protest / ˈproʊtest / (ফ্রৌঠেছঠ্‌) v {প্রতিবাদ করা} [to say or do something to show that you disagree with or disapprove of something, especially publicly]:


Protested / ˈproʊtestɪd / (ফ্রৌঠেছঠিড্‌): Many people protested over the tax increase.


Protested / ˈproʊtestɪd / (ফ্রৌঠেছঠিড্‌)

Protests / ˈproʊtests / (ফ্রৌঠেছঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Protesting / ˈproʊtestɪŋ / (ফ্রৌঠেছঠিং)

Parade / pəˈreɪd / (রেড্‌) v {কুচকাওয়াজ করা} []:

Paraded / pəˈreɪdɪd / (রেডিড্‌)


Paraded / pəˈreɪdɪd / (রেডিড্‌)

Parades / pəˈreɪdz / (রেড্‌জ্‌)

Parading / pəˈreɪdɪŋ / (রেডিং)

Paste / peɪst / (ফেস্ট্‌) v {আঠা দিয়ে লাগানো} [to stick something to something else using glue or paste]:


Pasted / peɪstɪd / (ফেস্টিড্‌): She pasted the pictures into her scrapbook.


Pasted / peɪstɪd / (ফেস্টিড্‌)

Pastes / peɪsts / (ফেস্ট্‌ছ্‌)

Pasting / peɪstɪŋ / (ফেস্টিং)

Penetrate / ˈpenətreɪt / (ফেনঠ্রেঠ্‌) v {বিদ্ধ করা বা ভেদ করা} [to move into or through something]:

Penetrated / ˈpenətreɪtɪd / (ফেনঠ্রেঠিড্‌): The knife penetrated her chest.

Penetrated / ˈpenətreɪtɪd / (ফেনঠ্রেঠিড্‌)

Penetrates / ˈpenətreɪts / (ফেনঠ্রেঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Penetrating / ˈpenətreɪtɪŋ / (ফেনঠ্রেঠিং)

Perceive / pərˈsiːv / (র্ছীভ্‌) v {অবহিত হওয়া; হৃদয়ঙ্গম করা} [to notice or become aware of something]:


Perceived / pərˈsiːvd / (র্ছীভ্‌ড্‌): I perceived a change in her behavior.


Perceived / pərˈsiːvd / (র্ছীভ্‌ড্‌)

Perceives / pərˈsiːvz / (র্ছীভ্‌জ্‌)

Perceiving / pərˈsiːvɪŋ / (র্ছীভিং)

Plead / pliːd / (ফ্লীড্‌) v {ওকালতি করা} [to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime]:


Pleaded / pliːdɪd / (ফ্লীডিড্‌)

Pleaded / pliːdɪd / (ফ্লীডিড্‌)

Pleads / pliːdz / (ফ্লীড্‌জ্‌)

Pleading / pliːdɪŋ / (ফ্লীডিং)

Pledge / pledʒ / (প্লেজ্‌) v {প্রতিজ্ঞা করা; প্রতিশ্রুতি দেওয়া} [to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something]:


Pledged / pledʒd / (প্লেজ্‌ড্‌): USA pledged $200 million in humanitarian aid.


Pledged / pledʒd / (প্লেজ্‌ড্‌)

Pledges / pledʒɪz / (প্লেজিজ্‌)

Pledging / pledʒɪŋ / (প্লেজিং)

Poke / poʊk / (ফৌখ্‌) v {খোঁচা মারা; গুঁতা মারা} [to quickly push your finger or other pointed objects into somebody / something]:

 <SYN> Prod


Poked / poʊkt / (ফৌখ্‌ঠ্‌): He poked his thumb into her ribs.

Poked / poʊkt / (ফৌখ্‌ঠ্‌)

Pokes / poʊks / (ফৌখ্‌ছ্‌)

Poking / poʊkɪŋ / (ফৌখিং)

Predict / prɪˈdɪkt / (ফ্রিডিখঠ্‌) v {ভবিষ্যৎবাণী করা} [to say that something will happen in the future]:

 <SYN> Forecast

Predicted / prɪˈdɪktɪd / (ফ্রিডিখঠিড্‌)

Predicted / prɪˈdɪktɪd / (ফ্রিডিখঠিড্‌)

Predicts / prɪˈdɪkts / (ফ্রিডিখঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Predicting / prɪˈdɪktɪŋ / (ফ্রিডিখঠিং): The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest.


Prosper / ˈprɑːspər / (ফ্রআঃছ্‌ফর্‌) v {উন্নতি করা; সমৃদ্ধি লাভ করা} [to be or become successful, especially in making money]:

 <SYN> Thrive


Prospered / ˈprɑːspərd / (ফ্রআঃছ্‌ফর্‌ড্‌): Her career prospered.

Prospered / ˈprɑːspərd / (ফ্রআঃছ্‌ফর্‌ড্‌)

Prospers / ˈprɑːspərz / (ফ্রআঃছ্‌ফর্‌জ্‌)

Prospering / ˈprɑːspərɪŋ / (ফ্রআঃছ্‌ফরিং)

Profess / prəˈfes / (প্রˈফেস্‌) v {মুক্তকণ্ঠে স্বীকার করা} [to state that something is true or correct, especially when it is not]:


Professed / prəˈfest / (প্রˈফেসট্‌)

Professed / prəˈfest / (প্রˈফেসট্‌)

Professes / prəˈfesɪz / (প্রˈফেসিজ্‌)

Professing / prəˈfesɪŋ / (প্রˈফেসিং)

Pronounce / prəˈnaʊns / (প্রনাউন্স্‌) v {উচ্চারণ করা} [to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way]:


Pronounced / prəˈnaʊnst / (প্রনাউন্সট্‌)

Pronounced / prəˈnaʊnst / (প্রনাউন্সট্‌): Have I pronounced your name correctly?


Pronounces / prəˈnaʊnsɪz / (প্রনাউন্সিজ্‌)

Pronouncing / prəˈnaʊnsɪŋ / (প্রনাউন্সিং)

Prove / pruːv / (প্রূভ্‌) v {প্রমাণ/ প্রমাণিত করা} [to use evidence, facts, etc. to show that something is true]:


Proved / pruːvd / (প্রূভড্‌): They proved him innocent/guilty.

Proved / pruːvd / (প্রূভড্‌)

Proves / pruːvz / (প্রূভডজ্‌)

Proving / pruːvɪŋ / (প্রূভিং)

Publish / ˈpʌblɪʃ / (ˈপাব্‌লিশ্‌) v {প্রকাশ করা} [to make available to the public, usually by printing, a book, magazine, newspaper, CD-ROM, etc.]:


Published / ˈpʌblɪʃt / (ˈপাব্‌লিশট্‌)

Published / ˈpʌblɪʃt / (ˈপাব্‌লিশট্‌): The study was published online.

Publishes / ˈpʌblɪʃɪz / (ˈপাব্‌লিশিজ্‌)

Publishing / ˈpʌblɪʃɪŋ / (ˈপাব্‌লিশিং)

Purchase / ˈpɜːrtʃəs / (ˈপা্‌র্চছ্‌) v {কেনা বা ক্রয় করা} [to buy something]:


Purchased / ˈpɜːrtʃəst / (ˈপা্‌র্চছট্‌)

Purchased / ˈpɜːrtʃəst / (ˈপা্‌র্চছট্‌): Tickets can be purchased online.


Purchases / ˈpɜːrtʃəsɪz / (ˈপা্‌র্চছিজ্‌)

Purchasing / ˈpɜːrtʃəsɪŋ / (ˈপা্‌র্চছিং)

Punish / ˈpʌnɪʃ / (ˈপানিশ্‌) v {শাস্তি বা দণ্ড দেওয়া} [to make someone suffer because they have broken the law or done something wrong]:


Punished / ˈpʌnɪʃt / (ˈপানিশট্‌)

Punished / ˈpʌnɪʃt / (ˈপানিশট্‌): He will be severely punished for his crimes.


Punishes / ˈpʌnɪʃɪz / (ˈপানিশিজ্‌)

Punishing / ˈpʌnɪʃɪŋ / (ˈপানিশিং)

Purify / ˈpjʊrɪfaɪ / (ˈপিউরিফাই) v {পরিশোধিত করা; পবিত্র করা} [to make something pure by removing substances that are dirty, harmful or not wanted]: Plants help to purify the air.


Purified / ˈpjʊrɪfaɪd / (ˈপিউরিফাইড্‌)

Purified / ˈpjʊrɪfaɪd / (ˈপিউরিফাইড্‌)

Purifies / ˈpjʊrɪfaɪz / (ˈপিউরিফাইজ্‌)

Purifying / ˈpjʊrɪfaɪɪŋ / (ˈপিউরিফাইং)

Puzzle / ˈpʌzl / (ˈপাজল্‌) v {হতবুদ্ধি করা; কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় করা} [to make someone feel confused because they do not understand something]:

 <SYN> Baffle


Puzzled / ˈpʌzld / (ˈপাজলড্‌)

Puzzled / ˈpʌzld / (ˈপাজলড্‌): This question has puzzled scientists for decades.


Puzzlez / ˈpʌzlz / (ˈপাজলজ্‌)

Puzzling / ˈpʌzlɪŋ / (ˈপাজলিং)

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